What type of education do you have?


Like all primary health care providers, Dr. Maroon has undergone extensive education, examining, and training before becoming a licensed professional.  He attended the University of Tampa, where he received his Bachelor’s Degree in Biology in May, 2010.  His classes consisted of various forms of biology, immunology, chemistries, anatomy, and physics.  Dr. Maroon then went on to attend Palmer College of Chiropractic to receive his Doctoral Degree; where he graduated Magna Cum Laude and Presidential Scholar in March, 2014.  His education at Palmer had a strong focus on advanced clinical sciences including: orthopedics, neurology, examination procedures, differential diagnosis, X-ray interpretation, pathology, biochemistry, and various Chiropractic adjusting techniques.  Currently, Dr. Maroon stays up-to-date on the most modern forms of Chiropractic treatments and techniques to provide the best possible care.


The University of Tampa may be visited at: http://www.ut.edu/

Palmer College of Chiropractic may be visited at: http://www.palmer.edu/


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