What type of conditions can chiropractic help?


Chiropractic is a form of healthcare that can deal with almost any neuro-musculo-skeletal condition in the body.  Common issues for which chiropractic can help is neck pain, mid-back pain, low-back pain, sciatica, headaches, upper extremity pain, lower extremity pain, hip pain, foot drop, wrist drop, and nerve entrapments.   There are also a variety of other complicated medical issues which have been known to benefit from chiropractic.  Some of these including lowering blood pressure, helping digestive issues, improving general fatigue, and regulating menstrual periods/reducing pain associated with menstrual issues.  Most people who visit a chiropractor also notice improvements in issues not related to their primary complaint. 


Common complaints and presentations include:

Sciatica and Hip pain

Carpal Tunnel

Neck and Back Pain

Shoulder/Arm pain and numbness in the fingers

Herniated discs of the spine

Muscle Strains

Ligament Sprains

Shin Splints

Head Aches and Migraines

Low Back Pain and Extreme Cramping associated with menses

Facet Syndrome


Failed Low Back Surgery Syndrome

And Many More!



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