Back and Neck Pain Relief:

Too often, people do not seek treatment following an auto-accident or sports related injury.  Unfortunately, by the time complications set in, some of the damage caused by the injury may have already become permanent. 

Car Accidents:

One of the most common causes of neck and back pain is from whiplash associated with auto-accidents.  Injuries, if left untreated, can lead to more permanent disabling injuries such as ligamentous instability, arthritic conditions, and degenerative disc disease causing ongoing back and neck pain.

Sports and Work Related Injuries:

No matter the age, a sports or work related injury to the neck can cause a patient to experience ongoing back and neck pain.  This is because most injuries lead to decreased ranges of motion in the affected joints and surrounding soft tissues.  When joints are unable to move properly, the surrounding tissues become hypermobile to make up for the lack of movement in the affected joint.  This kinematic chain of fixed and hypermobile structures predisposes patients to a variety of ligamentous and arthritic conditions if left untreated. 

Other causes of back and neck pain:

  • Poor Posture

  • Subluxations

  • Stress

  • Disc Herniation’s

  • Computer Work

  • Arthritis

  • Upper Crossed Syndrome