
Maroon Chiropractic is a cash only practice. The initial visit is $100 while each subsequent visit is $50. The initial visit cost includes examination and treatment; and each ensuing visit will include all treatments necessary.

Dr. Maroon provides a discount to all active first responders. This discount consists of a $60 initial visit and $30 per visit there after.

Each patient who has not been seen in 6 months time will require a $20 re-examination. Patients who have not been seen in 2 years time will be treated as a new patient as they require a new examination to be treated safely.

We do accept all major credit cards, cash, check, FSA and HSA’s.

The reason Dr. Maroon chose a cash only approach is to tailor each treatment plan specifically to the client’s need. Some insurances do not cover treatment modalities or exercises; which in most times is necessary to alleviate the patient’s symptomology in as few treatments as possible. I do not believe in the philosophy of treating patients on the basis of how an insurance company tells me to treat them, when most of the time there is a better approach.

No patient will ever be up-charged or expected to commit to a certain number of visits. Please note that Chiropractic is therapy and sometimes a few visits may be needed to stabilize and reduce inflammation of injured musculo-skeletal structures.