Spinal Decompression:


Spinal Decompression Therapy is a non-invasive procedure, used to relieve neck and back pain associated with spinal disc injuries.  Maroon Chiropractic has both a mechanical and non-mechanical flexion and distraction table; which are used to provide relief for disc related symptomology.  This is a very low force pain relieving technique which incorporates traditional Chiropractic and current McKenzie protocols  

Spinal Decompression helps with the following conditions:

  • Bulging Discs

  • Herniated Discs

  • Sciatica

  • Degenerative Disc Disease

  • Spinal Stenosis

  • Facet Syndrome

  • Radiculopathy

  • Chronic Neck and Low-Back Pain

  • Pinched Nerves

  • A Holistic Alternative to Back Surgery


How Spinal Decompression Works:

The patient is strapped to a computer controlled table that uses mechanical traction to gently pull apart the spine in small increments. This helps reduce pressure on the spinal disc, and allows bulging/herniated discs to return to their correct anatomical position.  Most treatment plans use a distraction and release technique that helps reshape the spine, and promote the flow of nutrients into the injured areas.

How long until improvements are seen?

The effectiveness of Spinal Decompression treatment depends on the extent of the patient’s injury.  Because of the poor vascularization associated with disc injuries, a few appointments may be required before significant changes are noticed. 

Spinal Decompression Therapy is FDA-approved for treatment of the neck and low-back. It has been proven to be safe and effective, as well as comfortable and pain-free for patients and has shown very good results.